Variety is the spice of life, and coffee is the fuel of virtuosity.
We’ve partnered with the Saxophone Academy Podcast and YouTube channel to offer the Saxophone Academy Coffee Club:
A monthly coffee subscription you can enjoy with the Academy faculty and support their mission of providing the highest quality saxophonic education.
Subscribers will experience a wide array of unique single-estate and co-op coffees from distinctive regions around the world, curated by the roasting team at Loom Coffee Co.
"Last fall I sat down at my local coffee house to write some scale exercises, and I had the best cup of coffee of my life. It was from Loom Coffee Co. - a local coffee roaster and our neighbors in Greensboro North Carolina.
Every month you’ll get a hand picked roast delivered straight to your practice studio - a world class coffee from Loom Coffee Co., who are generously providing a portion of the proceeds to support our mission of making high quality instructional materials free and widely available."
This month's featured roast:
Fuji apple, honey, and maraschino cherry
Finca El Diamante is 100% woman-owned by farmer Blanca Nieve.
This lot of "Ruby" from Blanca's farm, Diamante, lives up to its name - a true gem from Jinotega with a well-rounded juicy-sweet body, and red fruit notes that dance on the palate.
Expect the crisp sweetness of fuji apple, honey, and and bright, playful maraschino cherry notes.