Chiapas, Mexico - Fair Trade Organic

Marshmallow, nectarine and milk chocolate


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Country: Mexico
Region: Sierra Madre, Chiapas
Farm: Various smallholder members of CESMACH Co-op
Process: Washed
Harvest: December-March
Altitude: 900-1250 meters

We're pleased to present this Fair Trade and organic washed process coffee from CESMACH Co-op (Campesinos Ecológicos de la Sierra Madre de Chiapas) in Chiapas.

A waking dream: sweet pastry and lemon aromas lead into a balanced, full-bodied brew with notes of creamy milk chocolate, marshmallow, and clementine in the cup. We've enjoyed this beautifully complex coffee as espresso, too (think orange creamsicle). Whatever your brewing preference, this Chiapas could easily become your new favorite morning sip.

CESMACH Co-op is composed of 700+ small producers from thirty-seven communities and four municipalities. Here you can also find one of the world's largest forest reserves, El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve. El Triunfo is home to 10% of Mexico's rainfall capture, a cloud forest, tropical humid rainforest, and is a sanctuary for endangered flora and fauna. The co-op has been Fair Trade Certified since 2002 and began selling Certified Organic coffees in the US in 1996.

With a focus on empowering women to take on social leadership roles, women-produced specialty organic coffee lots at CESMACH are separated and sold at premium prices. This practice generates greater food stability and allows women to re-invest in their farms and send their children to school.

NGO partners of the co-op offer benefits ranging from women's health exams to the planting of additional fruit trees for both sale and household consumption. An apiary school was also established in an effort to supplement co-op members' income through beekeeping. Over fifty farmers own about twelve hives each on average. Many member families are more food secure throughout the entire year with this initiative in place.