Elevate Your Morning Ritual

The Bonavita Connoisseur One-Touch Pour Over Brewer does more than just make coffee; it crafts an exquisite experience. Recognized and certified by the experts at the Specialty Coffee Association, this brewer is designed to meet Golden Cup standards, ensuring you get that perfect brew every time. While other machines might just pour water in one direction, the Bonavita’s distinct showerhead design guarantees even saturation of the coffee grounds, capturing the rich essence of every bean.

Unparalleled Craftsmanship Meets Simplicity

Bonavita has artfully combined precision and ease. With a single touch, you can activate the optional pre-infusion cycle, a vital feature that allows the coffee grounds to be evenly saturated before brewing. This delicate step ensures that you extract the most flavorful essence from your coffee beans. Engineered with perfection, this machine consistently delivers an optimal balance of water temperature, contact time, and coffee saturation. 

Designed for the Discerning Coffee Lover

From its sleek aesthetics to its functional features, the Bonavita Connoisseur 8-Cup One-Touch Coffee Brewer is a cut above the rest. Amongst a plethora of brewers, this model stands out not just for its taste but also its user-friendly design. The clear measurements on the water tank, combined with a straightforward interface, make it a breeze to use. Moreover, its compact size ensures it fits snugly in any kitchen, bringing class without compromising on space. 

A Commitment to Quality

It’s not just us who believe in the Bonavita Connoisseur; the critics agree. When pitted against other renowned models, such as the OXO 9-Cup, the Bonavita consistently delivers a richer, better-tasting brew.

  • 12 1/2" x 6 3/4" x 12 1/4"
  • 6 lb. 2 oz.
  • 44-oz. carafe.
Additional Information:
  • Model #BV1901TS.
  • Audible signal alerts you when brew cycle is complete.
  • BPA-free plastic in carafe lid, filter basket and showerhead.
  • 1-year limited warranty.
  • This product is intended for use in the United States and Canada, and is built to U.S. electrical standards.
  • 1500W